What is a committee?
The Board of Directors appoints committees to assist with various aspects of the operations and future planning for the Pocono Springs Civic Association. Committees serve in an advisory capacity, working on projects at the direction of the Board of Directors, and are assigned a non-voting Board Liaison to help coordinate their efforts.
Below are brief descriptions of the committees the Board would like to establish or continue for the coming year. If you are interested in serving on one of these committees, please click the link at the bottom of the page and fill out a simple applications.
The purpose of the Long-Range Planning Committee is to serve and support PSCA leadership to ensure the survival, profitability, and growth of PSCA. The Committee will receive direction and goals from the Board. The committee functions in an advisory only capacity to the Board
The functions of the committee are:
- Responsible for developing rules and strategies to achieve solutions to issues.
- Assist the PSCA Board in the development of a long-term strategic plan.
- Ensure that goals, strategies, and priorities of the Association established are consistent with the Association’s mission of “At home with Nature.” The committee’s goals of preserving and protecting Pocono Springs Civic Association.
- Explore and review initiatives that will provide more significant benefits to the Association.
- Translate the strategic direction of the Association into actionable plans.
- Work with the PSCA Board and other committees to review or to develop or enhance processes that must be consistent with and reinforce long-term association goals.
- Provide minutes of all meetings. Appoint a committee secretary so that all official meetings are documented.
- The chairperson, or their designee, is responsible for the timely submission of any standing committee action or matter that requires the review of the PSCA Board.
Lakes & Wildlife Committee is to comprise property owner volunteers. The group is to be charged with the research (review/inquiry/investigation) and coordination of environmental initiatives, making recommendations for PSCA Board. The group establishes continuity from year to year, seeing through short-term environmental projects and overseeing the progression of long-term projects. The committee will work towards creating a sense of responsibility for the immediate surroundings of the Association. This is a subcommittee of the Long Range Planning Advisory Committee.
- Responsible for developing strategies to achieve solutions to environmental issues.
- Assist the PSCA Board in the development of the short and long-term strategic plan.
- Ensure that goals, strategies, and priorities of the Association established are consistent with the Association’s mission of “At home with Nature.
- Translate the strategic direction of the Association into actionable plans.
- Provide minutes of all meetings. Appoint a committee secretary so that all official meetings are documented.
- The chairperson, or their designee, is responsible for the timely submission of any standing committee action or matter that requires the review of the PSCA Board.
The Architectural Review Committee, with the best interest of the homeowners and the Pocono Springs Civic Association, will help to establish and enforce community standards and to review and to decide upon architectural change requests.
Besides committee duties, the committee will also act as the Architectural Review Board (ARB) is to help establish and overseeing community standards and reviewing and deciding upon change requests in the Association’s realm’s architectural scheme.
- Prepare community standards for architectural control for approval by the Board of Directors by issuing an Architectural Guidelines supplement.
- Periodically review standards and guidelines for adequacy and application at least once annually.
- Prepare minutes of committee meetings, including an overview of the past months of requests/ approvals and denials. They are to be submitted five days before the next monthly board meeting.
- Provide minutes of all meetings. Appoint a committee secretary so that all official meetings are documented.
- The chairperson, or their designee, is responsible for the timely submission of any standing committee action or matter that requires the review of the PSCA Board.
The purpose of the Fair Hearing committee is to provide a due process hearing to review the request from Homeowners who wish to dispute citations issued by the Public Safety Department. All rulings must be consistent with association bylaws and Rules and Regulations. They will present their findings and opinion to the PSCA Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has the ultimate authority to waive or reduce any citation.
The Hearing Panel shall:
- Designate one of the panel members as the presiding officer.
- Preserve a written record pending the outcome of the matter.
- Hear evidence on the matter.
- Determine if the fact presented should.
- Uphold the Citations as written.
- Modify the fine. (Note: the fines may not be increased..
- Issue written findings of fact, conclusions, and the committee’s determination to the PSCA Board. The Board may, within five days of receipt of the results, conclusions, and recommendation, overrule the hearing panel’s decision if the Board president determines the same are inconsistent with PSCA Bylaws.
- A letter with the decision is to be mailed to the Property Owner within ten days of the conclusion of the hearing.
The primary responsibility of the Recreation Committee is to assist in the coordination, development, and implementation of recreational activities for the residents. The committee shall provide integral input and recommendations, which shall serve the diverse interests of the community.
The committee shall facilitate the Association’s needs. The Board of Directors must approve all requests and charges. The committee members, who play an essential role in the Association’s activities, will consult with the manager, providing suggestions and recommendations.
The committee will also assist in:
- Preparing and maintaining a calendar of programs, activities, and PSCA events, ensuring a reasonable schedule of resident activities while avoiding conflicts and duplications with other scheduling entities.
- Evaluating individual programs and activities in terms of participation levels, cost-effectiveness, and other criteria.
- Making recommendations for the funding of programs and activities from the Association’s assessment fees.
- Coordinating the promotion and dissemination of information regarding community events.
Establish and operate an effective system to keep homeowners informed and updated on PSCA events, programs, and information. Compile and publish the Pocono Springs Newsletter. Assist the general manager with articles and photos in supporting the PSCA website and weekly eblast.
- Develop and maintain the PSCA website and Facebook group (if developed.
- Develop and maintain the and homeowner handbook/welcome packets.
- Provide and update neighborhood information on the website and through Quarterly newsletters.
- The Committee meets as often as reasonable and necessary.
The purpose and objective of this Public Safety committee is to define and recommend policy and procedure to the PSCA Board of any and all issues related to improving, establishing and enforcing Safety and Security for homeowners, visitors and property of Pocono Springs civic Association.
The committee is an advisory committee to provide input/recommendations to the Board of directors, but do not have authority to direct management or Public Safety Staff,
In addition, the committee will be task to investigate and formulate a plan to mitigate and respond to all types and level of events that would have an adverse effect on the day-to-day life within the association.
The functions of the committee are:
1. Responsible for developing plans and strategies to address major/minor disasters.
2. Assist the PSCA Board in the development of an Emergency Action plan.
3. To review and update the PSCA Emergency Action plan annually.
4. Develop further safety programs as necessitated by any local, state or federal guidelines.
5. Provide minutes of all meetings. Appoint a committee secretary so that all official meetings are documented.
6. The chairperson, or their designee, is responsible for the timely submission of any standing committee action or matter that requires the review of the PSCA Board.